Total Deposit Value
Sum of the USD value of all the assets you have deposited
Total Borrow Value
Sum of the USD value of all the assets you have borrowed
Net Deposit
Total Deposit Value less Total Borrow Value in your account
Expected total earnings from all positions, divided by net deposit.
Max Borrow Value
When Total Borrow Value exceeds Max Borrow Value, your account may be subject to liquidation. The computation of your Max Borrow Value is documented in the LTV page.
Safe Borrow Value
Protocol Safe Borrow Value is set to be 90% (of Max Borrow Value). Users will not be able to borrow beyond the Safe Borrow Value. However, when collaterals fall in value, or borrowed assets appreciate, it is possible that Total Borrow Value exceeds 90%.
Borrow Limit Used
Ratio between Total Borrow Value and Max Borrow Value. When it reaches or exceeds 90% (Safe Borrow Value), users will not be able to borrow further. When it reaches 100%, liquidation could occur.
Last updated
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